Saturday 19 October 2013

'Bounce' Tomorrow! Consent forms available

people bouncing on wall-to-wall trampolines at Bounce Inc.
Screen capture from Bounce Inc. website - looks pretty fun, eh?!
Only one more sleep till 'Bounce'!  Our itinerary, contact info., and consent forms are available NOW on our blog  - go to the right of the screen, find 'For Parents:  Printable Consent Forms' and click on 'Consent for trip to Bounce Inc. 20th Oct 2013.'

If you haven't filled out a form giving us your emergency contact details and medical consent, or if your details have changed since you last filled one out, please click on 'Parent Contact & Medical Consent Form'.  Katie needs these before we head off for Bounce.

If you want to get in the mood, they've got some great (short) video clips on their website!